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Viva Fifty

8 подписчиков

La atención sanitaria basada en el valor es vital para los mayores

Este post ha sido patrocinado por Humana. Todas las opiniones son propias.  A los 60, he visto cambios significativos en la atención sanitaria.  Cuando era joven, e incluso desde la época de mis padres y abuelos, ibas al médico cuando estabas enfermo, tenías una breve consulta y te ibas con una

4 Physical & emotional benefits of exercise at 50+

Exercise is crucial for maintaining health and well-being, particularly as we age. After the age of 50, the risk of illnesses, chronic diseases, and depression increases. However, it’s never too late to start exercising. Regular physical activity can significantly counteract the effects of aging.

The importance of value-based healthcare as we age

This post has been sponsored by Humana. All opinions are my own.  At 60, I’ve seen significant changes in healthcare.   Back in my younger years and even from the time of my parents and grandparents, you would go to the doctor when you were sick, have a brief consultation and leave with a

How to improve your credit in midlife & beyond

For individuals ages 50-65, addressing poor credit or a low credit score requires a strategy that balances immediate financial health with long-term retirement planning. This period is crucial for making financial adjustments that can significantly impact one’s lifestyle in the coming years. Here’s

Why we should spend time with people of all ages

The words “young” and “old” may have opposite meanings, but when it comes to human beings of varying ages making important connections, it’s actually a perfect match. Social circles frequently do develop based on age groups, so that people of the same age wind up socializing together. But there are

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